Highway Weather - Preparing For Your Road Trip
Whether you're on a family vacation, long-haul trucking, or touring in an RV, Highway Weather helps you prepare for safe driving on your next road trip. Rather than searching for weather forecasts city-by-city, you get everything you need all at once, on one map, adjusted to the time you will be traveling through each location.
Dangerous icing conditions frequently occur when road surface temperatures are above freezing during the day, and then fall below freezing at night. This is often caused by melting snow adjacent to the open roadway, which then runs off during the day and cools to the surface as the sun sets. Roadway ice can be especially dangerous when it's slippery, as it is made of frozen water that reflects light or sparkles when illuminated.
Roadway ice is a significant meteorological hazard in Washington State, and causes hundreds of serious injuries and several tragic deaths each year. It's especially dangerous when air temperatures drop below the mid-30s, and fog passes over a below-freezing roadway surface. Roadways shaded by trees or hills are particularly prone to ice forming, because the vegetation prevents the roadway from shedding heat into space at night, much like a carport.
Highway Weather displays real-time road weather observations on a detailed map for your entire travel route, and provides you with departure time recommendations for each point along the way. You can easily adjust your departure time, and see how the forecast changes as you move the slider.